The show cave entrance complex is situated in a hill overlooking the Chihuahuan Desert.
I paid for the Red Tour, $5 and took the elevator down 750' into the cave. I stepped out into a concrete world of shops, cafe, lunch room etc. A big chill immediately hit me as it was so much cooler than the outside.
I did the self guided walk of about an hour around the Big Room, which used to be the world's largest chamber until Sarawak Chamber in Mulu was found. The chamber is full of stal, some is huge. I saw the Bottomless Pit.
A very nice cave, one of the best I have seen, just a pity I couldn't see more. There was a good display in the exhibition area.
5 miles from Carlsbad is Lechuguilla Cave in the Guadalupe Mountains.
From Carlsbad Cavern I went to Carlsbad town, 27 miles away -
See more on the Carlsbad Caverns homepage.